Take part in a changemakers forum
Explore key themes
encouraging your people to find their agency - defining your theory of change - building power - reaching 'take off' - developing leadership - negotiating settlements - how the other side will seek to disrupt you.
Ask the important questions
The forums will surface and share the collective knowledge of those in the room. An opportunity to ask important questions - the answers will depend on the experience of those who attend and the circumstances of the campaigns they are working on.
Embrace diversity
It is the very difference in people's experiences and practices that will make fascinating discussions and inspire people to try new things. Each forum will include organisers from at least three different social justice strands (i.e #BLM, trade unions, environmental groups, LQGBTQ+ etc).
Encourage creativity
Effective changemaking is a creative process - these forums will be designed to create interconnections, inspire new ideas and stimulate people's creativity.
event tickets:
*Copies of the book are available for £10.50 when you book in advance.
There will also be some available on the day at full price (£14.99).
● find a space where we can hold
round table discussions
● fill in our form so we can help make
it happen
● invite organisers from at least 3
different social justice movements
help us create the kind of space
that facilitates brilliant discussions
Create an inspiring experience
Explore key themes
we want to encourage our supporters to convene a 'Changemakers forum' in their town to explore some of the key themes in the book including: the centrality of encouraging your people to find their agency, defining your theory of change, building power, reaching 'take off' in a movement, developing leadership, negotiating settlements, and how the other side will seek to disrupt you. If you are interested in helping convene one of these forums then sign up here.
Ask the important questions
These Changemakers forums will be designed to surface and share the collective knowledge of those in the room. An opportunity to ask important questions - the answers will depend on the experience of those who attend and the specific circumstances of the campaigns they are working on. This is one reason we want a diversity of campaigners in the room. Curious?
Diverse & creative changemaking
For these forums to work, we will need people from at least three different social justice strands (i.e #BLM, trade unions, environmental groups, LQGBTQ+ etc). It is the very difference in people's experiences and practices that will make fascinating discussions and inspire people to try new things. Effective changemaking is a creative process - these forums will be designed to create interconnections, inspire new ideas and stimulate people's creativity. Get involved!
Volunteers up for convening a session with people from 3 or more different campaign movements, for example: environmental, democratic reform, LGBTQ+, trade union, BLM, #MeToo, animal rights, political groups committed to progressive social change, etc.
A space which could be a bookshop, a union hall, or a community centre, where people can sit around tables in cabaret style to participate in a discussion.
Refreshments (because feeding people predisposes them to connect with each other)
Wherever possible, a local group or trade union branch, willing to sponsor the cost of the event. We have some, but only very limited, funds to contribute to the events.
To make this work we need:
Crafted for those who dare to challenge the status quo, this is a radical guide for activists.
Drawing from frontline experiences in trade unions, environmentalism, animal rights, and social justice movements, the book explores essential themes from leadership to the art of negotiation. It asks crucial questions about organising and social movements in the 21st century.
Avoiding easy prescriptions, the authors uniquely guide readers to where theory meets practice.
Written by two experts in activist education and community organising, this is a refreshing take on movement building, empowering changemakers of today to forge new paths towards a more just world.